Our Services

Coaching Leaders 1:1

Rising Leaders Program

Corporate Partnerships

Coaching Leaders 1:1

  • Are you being pulled by a vision of something greater… for yourself, your work, your passion?

    • Each of us has a personal navigation system, or compass, that directs our decisions and behaviors. Our own inner compass is made up of data points from our lived experiences.

    • Your inner compass could be signaling a new path forward.

    • Working together, we’ll explore the benefits and impact of your learned responses, how to shift mindsets and behaviors, and the best strategies and tools to support the vision of where you want to be.

    • Clarify objectives and identify what thoughts, attitudes and behaviors need to shift to move you from where you are now… to where you want to be.

    • Define your “why” by distilling and crystallizing your core values.

    • Bring to light your conscious and unconscious biases, how they affect your communication, your relationships, and your impact.

    • Deconstruct self limiting beliefs and create new grooves in your thought patterns and behaviors -- Our stories become our realities.

  • …is present and meets the moment you are in together

    …will open the window for new insights, perspectives and pathways to emerge

    …who creates the space and opening for all of who you are, and who you are becoming.

    …who is authentic, honest and who cares deeply for and about the human condition.

    AND we will hopefully share many great stories and laughs along the way!

    • Coaching On Demand — Individual sessions based on your on specific needs.

    • Subscription Options — your coaching journey is also a commitment you will be making to our work together. We offer 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month subscription options to provide you with greater flexibility and is intended to help you structure the program that works best for you.

    • Let’s schedule a complimentary, 30-minute consultation to discuss your specific needs and the the best package for you!

Rising Leaders Program

  • Connecting with other leaders is an essential element for our collective well-being and thriving, which is why we’ve invested in nurturing and growing a community of Rising Leaders who are re-imagining leadership.

  • Our work together will enable you to:

    • Master the art of the “saturated pause.”

    • Allocate your time and resources to your most important priorities.

    • Discover how to engage in productive conversations that promote shared understanding and drive action.

    • Identify the habits that best serve your leadership skills, and cultivate new skills to make you a more effective leader.

    • Navigate ambiguity and change even in the most chaotic environments with greater equanimity.

    • Embody inclusive, sincere and intentional leadership.

  • As one of four Rising Leader participants in the cohort, you will receive 20 hours of leadership training and coaching tailored to your development goals, which can immediately be applied to your leadership practice.

    • Each cohort is structured to align you with peers who share the same leadership challenges, organizational structures, and similar business sectors.

    • Group coaching sessions with your peers, lasting 8 months.

    • Each cohort is provided with a private What’s App channel for communication and networking… during the cohort and beyond.

    • Additional 1:1 sessions are available at a reduced rate.

    • The Rising Leaders Program is an 8-month cohort. We can also offer you a monthly payment package to provide you with increased flexibility.

    • Let’s schedule a complimentary, 30-minute consultation to discuss your specific needs.

Corporate Partnerships

Programs Designed to Improve Capacities for Multi-Generational Leadership

  • Organizations are experiencing challenges related to leading multi-generational teams, which include:

    • Retention of experienced, talented resources and experts.

    • Lack of clarity - what is the purpose?

    • Loss of valuable knowledge and sharing.

    • Deterioration of team chemistry.

    • Inconsistent production.

    • Lack of innovation and openness to change.

    Learning how to maximize your multi-generational team can have a very positive impact to your business.

    • Our Leadership Intensive is designed to give leaders the capacities to lead for the inter-generational future.

    • Explore practical, inter-generational leadership capacities in a safe, experiential cohort guided by an ICF coach.

    • Gain tools that can be applied immediately with your team.

    • Kick off and Group Agreements

    • Values Led Leadership

    • Game Changing Presence

    • Reactive to Resilient - Self Regulation

    • Creating Supportive Environments for Exploring and Innovating

    • Inclusivity and Allyship

    • Flexing Your Style

    • Sustaining Momentum

    • Structure - Each team is made up of a diverse group of 6 peers, each bringing their unique leadership challenge to explore.

    • 8 Group Coaching Meetings - join a small, diverse group of 6 peers each bringing their unique leadership challenge to explore.

    • 8 Peer Accountability Sessions - designed to build personal accountability as well as trust and networking connection within cohort.

    • Weekly Micro-Learning Resources - Bite sized learning resources supporting the focus of each week to help reinforce, deepen, and sustain learning.

  • We are able to tailor the Leadership Intensive to align with your content and delivery priorities so that it is aligned with your organizational priorities.

Nan Watts, PCC
Founder | CEO

(847) 533-7330

Jim Watts Director - Business & Operations

(312) 925-2792