The Compass

The Meaning of the Compass

We chose the symbol of the compass to represent how we work with our clients. Taken from the Latin words com meaning “together,” and passus meaning “pace or step,” the word compass means to step together or to journey together.

Compass – Origin and History

The very first compasses were believed to have originated in China, over 2000 years ago. According to historians, these were not used for navigation but as instruments to align building elements and structures with the principles of feng shui. These early compasses were made of a magnetic needle attached to a cork and floated on water. The needle would always point North, due to the North’s magnetic pull. These early compasses were also used to monitor the stars and sun’s movements.

In the 11th Century, the Chinese started using compasses as navigational devices, for land and sea travel. Eventually the device reached Europe, where its use started to spread. Later on, the compass was altered to include four directions—North, East, South, West—and became a more reliable and accurate instrument in navigation.

Symbolic Meaning of the Compass

The compass represents a safe and smooth journey and balance, which will be very important for both of us in our work together. The instrument is used primarily to point you in the right direction and with a compass, you can never get lost. 

The compass can thus symbolize that although it may take a while for you to reach your destination, you will get there no matter what. For a wanderer, a journey may be tough but it is a gratifying experience. In this way, compasses also represent guidance, safety and security.

With its magnet situated on a pivot point, the needle of the compass moves freely and balances itself to point to the right direction. This symbolizes that in order to find the right path, one needs balance and harmony.

Compasses represent motivation and inspiration. As a symbol, the compass signifies bringing motivation to a person feeling lost. It gives a sense of hope and inspires you to follow your heart and your rightful path. Also, compasses always point North, a direction which symbolizes progress, betterment and inspiration. This device points upwards, not south which symbolizes things going wrong. 

Compass symbolizes independence, as it assists you in moving out of your comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory. It also signals confidence in your ability to find your way and not to become lost.

Finally, the compass symbol can also represent never forgetting your roots and of always being able to find your way back. This is especially symbolic for people or travelers, about to move onto the next chapter of their lives.