Watts Collaborative

An Intimate Community for Changemakers

Coaching Leaders in the Evolving Workforce



Nan Watts, PCC Founder / CEO Watts Collaborative

Our unprecedented times call for people to lead wholeheartedly, creating strong systems that support well being and inclusivity while redefining what great performance looks like.

Coaching is my professional calling. For nearly 20 years, I’ve honed my passion as a provocateur for growth.  I bring insights, skill, compassion, humor, wisdom, and an uncanny ability to distill your words, thoughts and feelings into the essential truth of who you are.  I excel when working with leaders who challenge themselves to grow, adapt and thrive.  

I am committed to doing this work myself, by applying the same principles I use in coaching, to find openings for greater internal exploration and growth.

8,500+ Hours Coached


700 Leaders Developed


40+ Corporate Programs


Our Services

  • Coaching Leaders 1:1

    For Executives and Senior Leaders Who Are Being Pulled by a Vision of Something Greater

  • Rising Leaders Program

    Group & Team Facilitation for Rising Leaders Seeking to Grow, Learn, and Share with Peers

  • Corporate Partnerships

    Improving Leaders’ Capacities for the Multi-Generational Workforce

Inside-Out Leadership Development

Expand Your Toolbox and Apply These Learnings to Real Life Scenarios

  • Distill and crystallize your core values and ‘why’. They are essential components of your personal navigation system.

  • Master the art of the Saturated Pause, tune out the external noise, ignite the wisdom you hold within, deepen your self-awareness and become more expansive with great capacity and vitality.

  • Better understand your triggers, your habitual response to those triggers so that you can move nimbly between a reactive state to a more resourced and resilient state.

  • Better understand what psychological safety truly means and feels like, enabling you to create environments where people can thrive, innovate and perform at their best.

  • Generative conversations are the heartbeat of meaningful interaction. At their core these conversations are not merely an exchange of information but rather a dynamic process that has the potential to generate new insights, perspectives and possibilities.

    In order to achieve this it is imperative that we understand our underlying beliefs about feedback, conflict, and what really fosters trust, shared understanding, alignment and action.

  • Inclusivity and allyship are the cornerstones of building diverse and equitable communities where every individual feels valued, respected and empowered to thrive.

    They serve as powerful catalysts for promoting compassion, understanding among individuals, a team, and within your organization.

    Better understand your own inherent biases without shame and become a more inclusive leader and better ally for others on your team and in your organization.

  • Leading people requires taking time to understand what is needed in the moment. How do you know? When is it time to coach vs advise or direct. What is your preferred style of leading? Is it effective? How to flex your style to meet the other person where they are.

Wherever you may be in your journey, we invite you to become more expansive… with greater capacity and vitality.

Nan Watts, PCC
Founder | CEO

(847) 533-7330

Jim Watts Director - Business & Operations

(312) 925-2792